Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Cruisin' with dolphins

Grandpa and Grandma Lof returned from their cruise
through the Panama Canal and shared these pictures of them
getting 'intimate' with the dolphins on their tour.

Monday, April 21, 2008

April 3, 2008

Mocha got a haircut today.

April 2, 2008

Grandma and Grandpa Lof dropped by today on their way to cruise the Panama Canal. They also dropped off Daymond's Birthday present, a John Deere wagon! As you can see, he enjoys it thoroughly. (If you're wondering what we're talking about in the video, it's how he knows to hang on tight when moving in the wagon.)

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

March 30, 2008

Sledding with Kaya at the Cramptons

We had a dump of snow overnight so we thought we'd take
advantage and try sledding for the first time

Tuesday, April 1, 2008