Monday, July 28, 2008

July 27, 2008 - Calgary Canine Centre NADAC trial

This past weekend at the Calgary Canine Centre NADAC trial it was a weekend of FIRSTS!!!

It was Nova's FIRST trial competing at the Elite Level.
He got his FIRST Q in Elite Jumpers the first day!
He got his FIRST Q in Elite Regular the second day!
He got his FIRST Q (after 4 years of competing, groan) in Novice Weavers!
(side note, he was 20 seconds under time!!!)
He got his FIRST Q in Open Tunnellers (and second!)
And he got his FIRST Title in Novice Hoopers! (with 2 Q's)

It was Lira's FIRST trial ever!!!!!
She ran her FIRST run in novice jumpers and stayed with me the whole time and missed only a couple of jumps but 7 seconds under time!!
She ran her FIRST tunnellers class and ran PERFECTLY and Q'd!!!
So she got her FIRST Q at her very FIRST trial!!!
(I should also mention Lira beat Nova's time in tunnellers!)

Monday, July 21, 2008

July 3, 2008

Master of the spoon!

July 1, 2008 - Happy Canada Day!

The two extremes of Daymond

June 24, 2008

Oops! Had a bit of a tumble when Lira's bum pushed Daymond
into the corner of the coffee table. Mom only minorly

June 23, 2008

Mmmmmm! Watermelon!

June 22, 2008 - In Fairview

Grandpa Lof takes Daymond for his first tractor ride!

June 19, 2008

Our new deck - Phase 1
What cute puppies!

May 31, 2008 - At the Zoo!!

Daymond spots his favourite zoo animal.
He recognizes them from one of his favourite books.
They look just like Gerald the giraffe!!
That's because they are giraffes, silly!
On Safari!